
The muscle, exercise fitness why need to beef

1. Beef, rich in muscle
It exists in the beef content than any other food are high, this makes it to increase muscle strength, particularly effective. The head of the training in few seconds, it exists the source of fuel is muscle, it can be an effective supplement adenosine triphosphate, thus make training can hold out for more.
2. Beef containing vitamin B6
The greater the protein requirement, diet should be increased in the more vitamin B6. Beef contains enough vitamin B6, can help you enhance immunity, and promotes protein metabolism and synthesis, which helps nervous after the training of the recovery.
Exercise interval don't more than three days
Muscle is exercise to come out. Strong and handsome the coach, and muscle is the most "proves ungrateful", as long as you can keep to it often "stimulus", it will be ten times as many as in the feedback repay you. But if "three days, two days fishing nets are spread", the effect will be to sell at a discount greatly.
For muscle exercise is need to have a rest, 2 to 3 days later, if there is no movement before the stimulation, the motion of period of time, the effect will be subside. If we do not give sufficient time to supplement muscle nutrition and muscles do not longer than originally robust. But coach remind time cannot too long, the rest time to once again have the last movement ability muscle for standard calculation, general need two to three days.
3. Beef containing carnitine appears
Chicken, fish flesh of poison alkali and muscle of acid content is very low, but beef high content. Carnitine appears mainly used in support of the fat metabolism, produce a chain of amino acids, is to bodybuilders muscle growth play an important role of a kind of amino acids.
4. Beef k and protein
Potassium is most athletes in the diet is the lack of minerals. The level of the potassium low will prevent protein synthesis and growth hormone production, which affects the growth of muscles. In the beef rich in protein: four ounces of thin stick can produce 22 grams of first-class protein.

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